1. U.S.C. (2022, April 13). Title 42—The Public Health and Welfare, Subchapter XII—Safety of Public Water Systems. §§ 300f–300j, Available online: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-1994-title42/html/USCODE-1994-title42-chap6-subchapXII.htm.
2. Thuss, M. Personal communication.
3. (2022, April 13). The Edwards Aquifer Website. Available online: http://www.edwardsaquifer.net/.
4. (2022, October 26). Edwards Aquifer Authority. Available online: https://www.edwardsaquifer.org/.
5. (2022, November 03). Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center—Science, Available online: https://www.usgs.gov/centers/oklahoma-texas-water-science-center/science.