Droughts Are Not the Likely Primary Cause for Abies sibirica and Pinus sibirica Forest Dieback in the South Siberian Mountains


Tchebakova Nadezhda M.ORCID,Parfenova Elena I.,Bazhina Elena V.,Soja Amber J.,Groisman Pavel Ya.ORCID


Background. Since the mid-20th century, massive dieback of coniferous forests has been observed in the temperate and boreal zones across North America and Northern Eurasia. The first hypotheses explaining forest dieback were associated with industrial air pollution (acid rain). At the end of the century, new hypotheses emerged that supported critical climate-induced aridization to explain forest dieback. Many studies were based on the SPEI (Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index) drought index. Our goals were to investigate if the SPEI drought index was a suitable metric to reflect drought conditions in wet and moist dark-needled forests in the South Siberian Mountains (Mts) and if droughts trigger the dieback of those forests. Methods. We calculated the SPEI drought index, the annual moisture index AMI, potential evapotranspiration PET, and water balance dynamics for the period 1961–2019 for four transects in the South Siberian Mts. where decline/dieback of dark-needled Siberian pine and fir forests were identified in situ. Climate data from nine weather stations located at lower and upper elevations of each transect were used to calculate climatic index dynamics for the 1961–2019 period to identify dry and wet phases of the period. Results. Our findings showed that climatic moisture/dryness indices have rarely gone down to high risk levels during the last 60 years (1961–2019). AMI did not reach the critical limit, 2.25, characteristic of the lower border for the dark-needled taiga. SPEI values < −1.5 represent drought stress conditions for dark-needled conifers at the lower border, and these conditions occurred 3–4 times during the 60-year period. However, the annual water balance stayed positive in those years in wet and moist forests at mid-to-high elevations. Trees are known to survive occasional (1–2) dry years. We found that dark-needled conifer dieback often occurs in wet years with plentiful rain rather than in drought years. We found forest dieback was associated with the westerlies that bring atmospheric pollution from the west at 50–56 N latitudes, where the air masses cross populated regions that have widespread industrial complexes. Conclusions. We concluded that the observed decline of dark-needled conifers at middle-to-high elevations across the South Siberia’s Mts was conditioned by several plausible causes, among which air pollution seems to be more credible, rather than dry climatic conditions, as cited in recent literature. Results are essential for understanding these ecosystems and others as our planet changes. Other causes and mechanisms should be further investigated, which would necessitate creating infrastructure that supports multi-disciplinary, inter-agency teamwork of plant physiologists, foresters, chemists, etc.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research





Reference72 articles.

1. Climate and Montane Forests of Southern Siberia;Polikarpov,1986

2. Pinus Sibirica Forests of Siberia;Semechkin,1985

3. Potential change in forest types and stand heights in central Siberia in a warming climate

4. Dryland belt of Northern Eurasia: contemporary environmental changes and their consequences

5. Diagnostics of tree vitality and stand condition;Alekseev;Lesovedenie,1989








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