1. Hospital Necker Enfants-Malades, AP-HP, CF Centre, University Paris Descartes, 75015 Paris, France
2. Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK
3. Department of Paediatric Pulmonology & Allergology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht University, 3508 AB Utrecht, The Netherlands
4. Pediatric Pulmonology and Cystic Fibrosis Unit, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, 08035 Barcelona, Spain
5. Department of Pediatric Pulmonology, Marmara University, 34890 Istanbul, Turkey
6. Laboratory of Genetic Epidemiology, Research Centre for Medical Genetics, Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute, Moscow 115522, Russia
7. School of Medicine and Centre for Interventions in Infection, Inflammation & Immunity (4i), University of Limerick, V94 T9PX Limerick, Ireland
8. Division of Woman and Child, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospitals Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
9. Cystic Fibrosis Department, Institute of Mother and Child, 01-211 Warsaw, Poland
10. Paediatric Pulmonology, Allergology & CF Centre, Department of Paediatrics III, University Hospital Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
11. Translational Lung Research Center, German Lung Research Center, University Hospital Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
12. Cystic Fibrosis Center, IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini, 16147 Genova, Italy
13. Paediatric Pulmonology & CF Centre, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Switzerland, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland