Metabolic Engineering of Bacillus subtilis for the Production of Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid from Glycerol Feedstock


Pasotti Lorenzo12ORCID,Massaiu Ilaria12,Magni Paolo12ORCID,Calvio Cinzia3ORCID


1. Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy

2. Centre for Health Technologies, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy

3. Department of Biology and Biotechnology, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy


Poly-γ-glutamic acid (γ-PGA) is an attractive biopolymer for medical, agri-food, and environmental applications. Although microbial synthesis by Bacilli fed on waste streams has been widely adopted, the obtainment of efficient sustainable production processes is still under investigation by bioprocess and metabolic engineering approaches. The abundant glycerol-rich waste generated in the biodiesel industry can be used as a carbon source for γ-PGA production. Here, we studied fermentation performance in different engineered Bacillus subtilis strains in glycerol-based media, considering a swrA+ degU32Hy mutant as the initial producer strain and glucose-based media for comparison. Modifications included engineering the biosynthetic pgs operon regulation (replacing its native promoter with Physpank), precursor accumulation (sucCD or odhAB deletion), and enhanced glutamate racemization (racE overexpression), predicted as crucial reactions by genome-scale model simulations. All interventions increased productivity in glucose-based media, with Physpank-pgs ∆sucCD showing the highest γ-PGA titer (52 g/L). Weaker effects were observed in glycerol-based media: ∆sucCD and Physpank-pgs led to slight improvements under low- and high-glutamate conditions, respectively, reaching ~22 g/L γ-PGA (26% increase). No performance decrease was detected by replacing pure glycerol with crude glycerol waste from a biodiesel plant, and by a 30-fold scale-up. These results may be relevant for improving industrial γ-PGA production efficiency and process sustainability using waste feedstock. The performance differences observed between glucose and glycerol media also motivate additional computational and experimental studies to design metabolically optimized strains.


Fondazione Cariplo

Innovation HUB Regione Lombardia


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