Pleistocene Landscape Dynamics Drives Lineage Divergence of a Temperate Freshwater Fish Gobio rivuloides in Coastal Drainages of Northern China


Ni Xiaomin1,Chen Yun1,Deng Guangmin1,Fu Cuizhang1


1. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering, Coastal Ecosystems Research Station of the Yangtze River Estuary, Institute of Biodiversity Science and Institute of Eco-Chongming, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200438, China


Understanding historical processes underlying lineage distribution patterns is a primary goal of phylogeography. We selected Gobio rivuloides (Cypriniformes: Gobionidae) as a model to improve our knowledge about how intraspecific genetic divergence of freshwater fishes arises in coastal drainages of northern China via statistical analysis using cytochrome b gene. The time-calibrated phylogeny of G. rivuloides showed the divergence of two major lineages (I and II) at ~0.98 Ma (million years ago). Lineage I can be divided into two sub-lineages (I-A and I-B) with a divergence time of ~0.83 Ma. Sub-lineage I-A inhabits the Amur River, and sub-lineage I-B lives in the Luan River and Liao River. Lineage II is distributed in the Yellow River and Hai River, with close genetic relationships between the two drainages, and can be split into two sub-lineages (II-C and II-D) with a divergence time of ~0.60 Ma. Our findings indicate that the splitting of lineages and sub-lineages could be attributed to geographic isolation caused by the formation of the Bohai Sea, river capture, and the episodic hydrologic closing of a paleolake during the late Lower–Middle Pleistocene. It is also the first report we know of displaying a clear phylogeographic break for freshwater fishes across coastal drainages in northern China.


National Natural Science Foundation of China




Genetics (clinical),Genetics







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