This paper derives an analytical model of a circular beam with a T-shaped cross section for use in the high-frequency range, defined here as approximately 1 to 50 kHz. The T-shaped cross section is composed of an outer web and an inner flange. The web in-plane motion is modeled with two-dimensional elasticity equations of motion, and the left portion and right portion of the flange are modeled separately with Timoshenko shell equations. The differential equations are solved with unknown wave propagation coefficients multiplied by Bessel and exponential spatial domain functions. These are inserted into constraint and equilibrium equations at the intersection of the web and flange and into boundary conditions at the edges of the system. Two separate cases are formulated: structural axisymmetric motion and structural non-axisymmetric motion and these results are added together for the total solution. The axisymmetric case produces 14 linear algebraic equations and the non-axisymmetric case produces 24 linear algebraic equations. These are solved to yield the wave propagation coefficients, and this gives a corresponding solution to the displacement field in the radial and tangential directions. The dynamics of the longitudinal direction are discussed but are not solved in this paper. An example problem is formulated and compared to solutions from fully elastic finite element modeling. It is shown that the accurate frequency range of this new model compares very favorably to finite element analysis up to 47 kHz. This new analytical model is about four magnitudes faster in computation time than the corresponding finite element models.
Maria Medeiros, Office of Naval Research