Sugarcane Smut: Current Knowledge and the Way Forward for Management


Rajput Muhammad Aslam,Rajput Nasir Ahmed,Syed Rehana Naz,Lodhi Abdul Mubeen,Que YouxiongORCID


Whip smut of sugarcane is the most serious and widely spread disease of sugarcane and causes a significant reduction in cane quantity and quality. The severity of this disease often depends on the pathogen races, environmental conditions, cultivar genotype and the interaction among these three factors. Under optimum climatic conditions, this disease has the potential to cause total crop failure. Resistance screening is an ongoing process due to the variability among smut pathogen isolates. Multiple races and mutation ability of smut pathogen makes the breeding task more complex. A number of studies on various aspects of the disease epidemiology and management have been published. Due to many overlapping characteristics within the species complex, there is a dearth of information on early detection and strategies to control the smut pathogen. Furthermore, there is a need to coordinate these findings to expedite its research and control. In this paper, we summarize the disease etiology, especially disease impact on the qualitative and quantitative parameters of sugarcane. We also gathered research progress on molecular-based detection and available information on genetic variability in S.scitamineum. The research on the set of management options needed to effectively cope with the disease are reviewed herein. The present review is expected to be helpful for the further investigation on smut resistance in sugarcane.


National Key R&D Program of China




Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Microbiology (medical)

Reference186 articles.

1. FAOSTAT, Crops: Sugarcane

2. Common Names of Plant Diseases—Sugarcane;Ferreira,1993

3. A Guide to Sugarcane Diseases;Rott,2000

4. Plant Diseases;Singh,2017







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