Level III Reliability Design of an Armor Block of Rubble Mound Breakwater Using Probabilistic Model of Wave Height Optimized for the Korean Sea Wave Conditions and Non-Gaussian Wave Slope Distribution


Cho Yong JunORCID


In this study, a Level III reliability design of an armor block of rubble mound breakwater was developed using the optimized probabilistic wave height model for the Korean marine environment and Van der Meer equation. To demonstrate what distinguishes this study from the others, numerical simulation was first carried out, assuming that wave slope follows Gaussian distribution recommended by PIANC. Numerical results showed that Gaussian wave slope distribution overpredicted the failure probability of armor block, longer and shorter waves, and on the contrary, underpredicted waves of the medium period. After noting the limitations of Gaussian distribution, some efforts were made to develop an alternative for Gaussian distribution. As a result, non-Gaussian wave slope distribution was analytically derived from the joint distribution of wave amplitude and period by Longuet–Higgins using the random variables transformation technique. Numerical results showed that non-Gaussian distribution could effectively address the limitations of Gaussian distribution due to its capability to account for the nonlinear resonant wave–wave interaction and its effects on the wave slope distribution that significantly influences the armor block’s stability. Therefore, the non-Gaussian wave slope distribution presented in this study could play an indispensable role in addressing controversial issues such as whether or not enormous armor blocks like a Tetrapod of 100 t frequently mentioned in developing countermeasures against rough seas due to climate change is too conservatively designed.




Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology,Civil and Structural Engineering

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