1. Department of Mathematics, King’s College, London WC2R 2LS, UK
2. B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, 61103 Kharkiv, Ukraine
We consider a quantum system of large size N and its subsystem of size L, assuming that N is much larger than L, which can also be sufficiently large, i.e., 1≪L≲N. A widely accepted mathematical version of this inequality is the asymptotic regime of successive limits: first the macroscopic limit N→∞, then an asymptotic analysis of the entanglement entropy as L→∞. In this paper, we consider another version of the above inequality: the regime of asymptotically proportional L and N, i.e., the simultaneous limits L→∞,N→∞,L/N→λ>0. Specifically, we consider a system of free fermions that is in its ground state, and such that its one-body Hamiltonian is a large random matrix, which is often used to model long-range hopping. By using random matrix theory, we show that in this case, the entanglement entropy obeys the volume law known for systems with short-range hopping but described either by a mixed state or a pure strongly excited state of the Hamiltonian. We also give streamlined proof of Page’s formula for the entanglement entropy of black hole radiation for a wide class of typical ground states, thereby proving the universality and the typicality of the formula.
NSF Grant “International Multilateral Partnerships for Resilient Education and Science System in Ukraine”