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2. Anonymous (Ta Kung Pao 大公報, 1909). The Prosperous of Educational Lottery. 教育彩票之發達, Ta Kung Pao 大公報.
3. Armijo, Jackie (2008). The Madrasa in Asia, Amsterdam University Press.
4. Dudoignon, Stepháne A., Komatsu, Hisao, and Kosugi, Yasushi (2006). Intellectuals in the Modern Islamic World: Transmission, Transformation, Communication, Routledge.
5. Beijing Municipal Archives (Official Letter from Beijing School Affairs Bureau on the Renewal of Public and Private Primary Schools to the Police 京師學務局關於續准公私小學立案給警察廳的公函 J004-003-0007, 1912). Official Letter from Beijing School Affairs Bureau on the Renewal of Public and Private Primary Schools to the Police 京師學務局關於續准公私小學立案給警察廳的公函 J004-003-0007.