Energy Efficiency of Inland Waterways Transport for Agriculture: The Ukraine Case Study


Bazaluk OlegORCID,Havrysh ValeriiORCID,Nitsenko VitaliiORCID


In Ukraine, there has been an increase in agricultural production. The availability of river basins and seaports contributes to the use of inland shipping. However, there is a lack of understanding of how to reduce the energy consumption of inland shipping. We assume the hypothesis that the energy efficiency of inland shipping is much higher than it is technically possible. The purpose of this study is to identify perspective energy-saving technologies for IWT. We use statistical information to determine the export potential and to reveal the status of inland navigation. Traction efficiency, theoretical and actual specific fuel consumption were used as indicators to determine the energy efficiency. The main results are as follows. We have found the grain and sunflower seed production in the Dnieper Basin (Ukraine). Their shares range from 34.75 to 50.92% of national production. Therefore, there is a significant flow of products for inland shipping. The present status of inland waterways transport has been analyzed. The main novelty of this study is the finding of actual and theoretical technical specific energy consumption. It is revealed that actual specific energy consumption is five times higher compared to the theoretical one. Self-propelled vessels are inferior in energy efficiency to towing barges. The energy efficiency of inland waterways transport has been compared to railways and road freight transport. Transport management was identified as the more effective tool to improve the energy efficiency of inland shipping.




Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science

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