1. Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Ship berthing is one of the most challenging operations for crews, involving optimal trajectory generation and intricate harbor maneuvering at low speed. In this paper, we present a practical path-planning method that generates smooth trajectories for an underactuated surface vehicle (USV) traveling in a confined harbor environment. Our approach introduces a Generalized Voronoi Diagram (GVD)-based path planner to handle the unberthing phase. The hybrid A* search-based path finding method is used for the transportation phase. A simple planner based on a Bézier curve is proposed for the berthing phase. To track the target path, an adaptive pure pursuit method and proportional-derivative (PD) controller is used. The performance of the given method is tested numerically and experimentally on a catamaran with a pair of non-steerable thrusters. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve a successful berthing operation through static obstacle handling and smooth trajectory generation.