1. Danfoss Power Solutions Aps, Grønvej, 6430 Norborg, Denmark
2. Fluid Power Technology, AAU Energy, Pontoppidanstræde 111, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark
Danfoss Power Solutions Aps has a product line focusing on hydraulic steering units for heavy-duty machines. The focus of this paper is on the end-stop torque encountered by the operator for a new asymmetrical hydraulic steering unit, referred to as sSteer. This hydraulically asymmetric concept increases the steering responsiveness between the steering wheel input and the output. However, compared to traditional hydraulic steering units, the asymmetrical design has a drawback regarding the level of end-stop torque felt by the operator when reaching the left-side end stop. This paper investigates three different concepts for improving/increasing the end-stop torque, namely, including a bleed orifice, removing a set of suction valves, and a solution with pre-tensioned suction valves and tank line. During the investigations, these concepts were compared and benchmarked using experimental data to identify advantages and disadvantages. Based on the investigations, it is concluded that the concept with pre-tensioned suction valves and a pressurized tank line ensures the best compromise between the different design requirements and the establishment of a firm end-stop feeling for the operator.
Control and Optimization,Control and Systems Engineering