Determination of Permanent Deformations of Non-Cohesive Soils in Pavement Structures under Repeated Traffic Load


Vamos Mate Janos12,Szendefy Janos2


1. CDM Smith SE, Darmstädter Str. 63, 64404 Bickenbach, Germany

2. Department of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rkp. 3, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary


One of the main types of distress in pavement structures is rutting, which may also reduce serviceability significantly. Most design methods typically attribute rutting to the asphalt layer alone, proposing that it can be managed by controlling vertical deformation or stress at the subgrade’s top. Furthermore, these methods frequently lack precise measurements for rut depth. On-site measurements show that the majority of permanent deformation occurs in the unbound layers beneath the asphalt; attention should be directed towards these layers. In recent literature, there are calculation methods that account for accumulating strains in soils. However, further investigation is needed regarding the effect of soil properties and the significance of the pavement cross-section. The literature is also somewhat contractionary regarding the origin of permanent deformations. In this research, the residual settlement of soils (base, subbase, and subgrade) under flexible pavement systems was analyzed due to the repeated traffic loads. Rut depths were calculated and analyzed using the High-Cycle Accumulation (HCA) model. The different behaviour in each course of the pavement system is discussed to reveal their contribution to total ruts. The effect of the grain size distribution of the subgrade was analyzed, and its significance on the rutting depths was demonstrated. Standardized pavement cross-sections with different asphalt thicknesses were evaluated, and the calculated settlements of the pavement originating from the ground during the design lifetime are also presented. It is shown that, with the same number of repetitions, the settlements calculated in each traffic load class are proportional to the thickness of the asphalt course. The contribution of the base, subbase, and subgrade courses to the total settlement is also presented for different subgrade types and traffic load classes.









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