Improving the Inhibitory Effect of Phages against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from a Burn Patient Using a Combination of Phages and Antibiotics


Aghaee Bahareh Lashtoo,Khan Mirzaei MohammadaliORCID,Alikhani Mohammad Yousef,Mojtahedi Ali,Maurice Corinne F.


Antibiotic resistance causes around 700,000 deaths a year worldwide. Without immediate action, we are fast approaching a post-antibiotic era in which common infections can result in death. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the leading cause of nosocomial infection and is also one of the three bacterial pathogens in the WHO list of priority bacteria for developing new antibiotics against. A viable alternative to antibiotics is to use phages, which are bacterial viruses. Yet, the isolation of phages that efficiently kill their target bacteria has proven difficult. Using a combination of phages and antibiotics might increase treatment efficacy and prevent the development of resistance against phages and/or antibiotics, as evidenced by previous studies. Here, in vitro populations of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain isolated from a burn patient were treated with a single phage, a mixture of two phages (used simultaneously and sequentially), and the combination of phages and antibiotics (at sub-minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and MIC levels). In addition, we tested the stability of these phages at different temperatures, pH values, and in two burn ointments. Our results show that the two-phages-one-antibiotic combination had the highest killing efficiency against the P. aeruginosa strain. The phages tested showed low stability at high temperatures, acidic pH values, and in the two ointments. This work provides additional support for the potential of using combinations of phage–antibiotic cocktails at sub-MIC levels for the treatment of multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa infections.


Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Canada Research Chairs

Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences

Faculty of Medicine, McGill University

Vice-chancellor of Research and Technology




Virology,Infectious Diseases







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