Evaluation of a Point-of-Care Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) Test Kit (RapidSTATUS™ FIV) to Determine the FIV Status of FIV-Vaccinated and FIV-Unvaccinated Pet Cats in Australia


Cheang Ashley,Westman Mark E.ORCID,Green Jennifer


Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a retrovirus that can cause immunosuppression, co-morbidities, and neoplasia in infected cats, and is commonly tested for in veterinary clinics and animal shelters in Australia. FIV diagnosis using point-of-care (PoC) kits to detect FIV antibodies in Australia is complicated by the commercial availability of an inactivated whole-FIV vaccine. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of the RapidSTATUS™ FIV antibody test kit in FIV-vaccinated and FIV-unvaccinated cats in Australia. Plasma from pet cats of known FIV vaccination and FIV infection statuses (n = 361), comprised of 57 FIV-uninfected cats annually vaccinated against FIV, 10 FIV-uninfected cats with lapsed FIV vaccination histories, 259 FIV-unvaccinated/FIV-uninfected cats, and 35 FIV-infected cats, was tested. RapidSTATUS™ FIV testing had sensitivity of 97.1% (34/35) and specificity of 100% (326/326), with an overall accuracy of 99.7% (360/361). Additional testing was undertaken using plasma from FIV-uninfected cats recently administered a primary FIV vaccination course (n = 12) or an annual booster FIV vaccination (n = 10). RapidSTATUS™ FIV was 98.8% (81/82) accurate and 100% (32/32) accurate in cats recently administered primary or annual FIV vaccinations, respectively. The high level of accuracy of RapidSTATUS™ FIV (98.8–100%) therefore establishes this PoC kit as a DIVA (differentiating infected from vaccinated animals) test. RapidSTATUS™ FIV is recommended to aid animal shelters, veterinarians, and researchers in Australia to accurately determine FIV infection status, irrespective of FIV vaccination history.


Australian Companion Animal Health Foundation

Feline Health Research Fund




General Veterinary

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