Towards Sustainable Packaging Using Microbial Cellulose and Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Bagasse


da Silva Junior Cláudio José Galdino12,de Medeiros Alexandre D’Lamare Maia12ORCID,Cavalcanti Anantcha Karla Lafaiete de Holanda1,de Amorim Julia Didier Pedrosa12ORCID,Durval Italo José Batista13,Cavalcanti Yasmim de Farias13,Converti Attilio14ORCID,Costa Andréa Fernanda de Santana15,Sarubbo Leonie Asfora13ORCID


1. Instituto Avançado de Tecnologia e Inovação (IATI), Rua Potyra, 31, Prado, Recife 50751-310, Brazil

2. Rede Nordeste de Biotecnologia (RENORBIO), Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manuel de Medeiros, s/n, Dois Irmãos, Recife 52171-900, Brazil

3. Escola Icam Tech, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP), Rua do Príncipe, 526, Boa Vista, Recife 50050-900, Brazil

4. Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa (UNIGE), Pole of Chemical Engineering, Via Opera Pia, 15, 16145 Genoa, Italy

5. Centro de Comunicação e Design, Centro Acadêmico da Região Agreste, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), BR 104, km 59, s/n, Nova Caruaru, Caruaru 50670-901, Brazil


The high consumption of packaging has led to a massive production of waste, especially in the form of nonbiodegradable polymers that are difficult to recycle. Microbial cellulose is considered a biodegradable, low-cost, useful, ecologically correct polymer that may be joined with other biomaterials to obtain novel characteristics and can, therefore, be used as a raw material to produce packaging. Bagasse, a waste rich in plant cellulose, can be reprocessed and used to produce and reinforce other materials. Based on these concepts, the aim of the current research was to design sustainable packaging material composed of bacterial cellulose (BC) and sugarcane bagasse (SCB), employing an innovative shredding and reconstitution method able to avoid biomass waste. This method enabled creating a uniform structure with a 0.10-cm constant thickness, classified as having high grammage. The developed materials, particularly the 0.7 BC/0.3 SCB [70% (w/w) BC plus 30% (w/w) SCB] composite, had considerable tensile strength (up to 46.22 MPa), which was nearly thrice that of SCB alone (17.43 MPa). Additionally, the sorption index of the 0.7 BC/0.3 SCB composite (235.85 ± 31.29 s) was approximately 300-times higher than that of SCB (0.78 ± 0.09 s). The packaging material was also submitted to other analytical tests to determine its physical and chemical characteristics, which indicated that it has excellent flexibility and can be folded 100 times without tearing. Its surface was explored via scanning electron microscopy, which revealed the presence of fibers measuring 83.18 nm in diameter (BC). Greater adherence after the reconstitution process and even a uniform distribution of SCB fibers in the BC matrix were observed, resulting in greater tear resistance than SCB in its pure form. The results demonstrated that the composite formed by BC and SCB is promising as a raw material for sustainable packaging, due to its resistance and uniformity.


Programa de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL)/Thermoelectric EPESA (Centrais Elétricas de Pernambuco S.A.)/SUAPE Ambiental









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