Phenotypic Characterization of Creole Cattle in the Andean Highlands Using Bio-Morphometric Measures and Zoometric Indices


Rojas-Espinoza Rolando1ORCID,Macedo Rassiel2ORCID,Suaña Alex3ORCID,Delgado Alfredo4ORCID,Manrique Yan P.1ORCID,Rodríguez Halley1ORCID,Quispe Yesenia M.3ORCID,Perez-Guerra Uri H.1ORCID,Pérez-Durand Manuel G.1ORCID,García-Herreros Manuel5ORCID


1. Facultad de Medicina Veterinária y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno 21001, Peru

2. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Cusco 08000, Peru

3. Independent Researcher, Puno 21001, Peru

4. Facultad de Medicina Veterinária, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima 15021, Peru

5. National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research (INIAV), 2005-048 Santarém, Portugal


Several Creole cattle biotypes can be found in the Andean highlands, and most of them are considered as being in risk of extinction. The main aim of the present study was to perform a phenotypic characterization of the Creole cattle in the Andean highlands using bio-morphometric measures and zoometric indices. Individuals from three different biotypes (Black ‘Negro’ (n = 57), Colour-Sided ‘Callejón’ (n = 20), and Brindle ‘Atigrado’ (n = 18)) from an experimental research center located in the Peruvian highlands were enrolled in the study. In total, seventeen morphometric parameters were evaluated and ten zoometric indices were calculated in each biotype. To test the relationship between biometric traits, correlation analyses were carried out between morphometric parameters. Differences were observed regarding different morphometric variables such as head length (HL) and rump length (RL) among cattle biotypes (p ≤ 0.05). The coefficient of variation (CV; %) regarding different morphometric parameters ranged between 11.32 for neck length (NL) and 3.63 for height at withers (HaW), which indicated low–moderate variability among morphometric variables. Differences were observed in the longitudinal pelvic index (LPI) when different zoometric indices were compared among biotypes (p ≤ 0.05). The CV regarding different zoometric indices, which ranged between 10.78 for the cephalic index (CEI) and 5.05 for LPI, indicated low variability among indices. No differences were observed in any other morphometric parameter or zoometric index among cattle biotypes or genders (p > 0.05). Finally, multiple correlations were observed between morphometric variables (p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, it was determined that Peruvian Andean Creole cattle can be considered as a dairy-related biotype with a slight tendency for beef production (dual-purpose). The great homogeneity regarding zoometric characteristics among biotypes and genders may indicate that the Andean Creole cattle have been maintained quite isolated, avoiding the genetic influence of other foreign breeds. Finally, the phenotypic characterization including bio-morphometric measurements and zoometric indices obtained from the different Creole bovine biotypes is crucial in order to begin different conservation programs to preserve cattle breeds in the Peruvian Andean highlands.


Peruvian institutional funds of the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano




General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology

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