Comparative Metabolomic Analysis of Four Fabaceae and Relationship to In Vitro Nematicidal Activity against Xiphinema index


Negrel Lise,Baltenweck RaymondeORCID,Demangeat Gerard,Le Bohec-Dorner Françoise,Rustenholz Camille,Velt AmandineORCID,Gertz Claude,Bieler Eva,Dürrenberger Markus,Gombault Pascale,Hugueney Philippe,Lemaire Olivier


The grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), responsible for fanleaf degeneration, is spread in vineyards by the soil nematode Xiphinema index. Nematicide molecules were used to limit the spread of the disease until they were banned due to negative environmental impacts. Therefore, there is a growing interest in alternative methods, including plant-derived products with antagonistic effects to X. index. In this work, we evaluated the nematicidal potential of the aerial parts and roots of four Fabaceae: sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia), birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), sweet clover (Melilotus albus), and red clover (Trifolium pratense), as well as that of sainfoin-based commercial pellets. For all tested plants, either aerial or root parts, or both of them, exhibited a nematicidal effect on X. index in vitro, pellets being as effective as freshly harvested plants. Comparative metabolomic analyses did not reveal molecules or molecule families specifically associated with antagonistic properties toward X. index, suggesting that the nematicidal effect is the result of a combination of different molecules rather than associated with a single compound. Finally, scanning electron microscope observations did not reveal the visible impact of O. viciifolia extract on X. index cuticle, suggesting that alteration of the cuticle may not be the primary cause of their nematicidal effect.




Chemistry (miscellaneous),Analytical Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Molecular Medicine,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science

Reference56 articles.

1. An Overview on Grapevine Viruses, Viroids, and the Diseases They Cause;Martelli,2017

2. Population structure and genetic variability within isolates of Grapevine fanleaf virus from a naturally infected vineyard in France: evidence for mixed infection and recombination

3. Xiphinema index and its Relationship to Grapevines: A review

4. Ectoparasitic Nematode Vectors of Grapevine Viruses P;Andret-Link,2017

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