Molecular-Network Transformations in Tetra-Arsenic Triselenide Glassy Alloys Tuned within Nanomilling Platform


Shpotyuk Oleh12ORCID,Hyla Malgorzata1ORCID,Shpotyuk Yaroslav34ORCID,Lukáčová Bujňáková Zdenka5,Baláž Peter5ORCID,Demchenko Pavlo6,Kozdraś Andrzej7,Boyko Vitaliy2,Kovalskiy Andriy8


1. Institute of Physics, Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa, 13/15, al. Armii Krajowej, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland

2. O.G. Vlokh Institute of Physical Optics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 23, Dragomanov Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine

3. Department of Sensor and Semiconductor Electronics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 107, Tarnavskoho Str., 79017 Lviv, Ukraine

4. Institute of Physics, University of Rzeszow, 1, Pigonia Str., 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland

5. Institute of Geotechnics of Slovak Academy of Sciences, 45, Watsonova Str., 04001 Košice, Slovakia

6. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 6, Kyryla i Mefodiya Str., 79000 Lviv, Ukraine

7. Faculty of Physics, Opole University of Technology, 75, Ozimska Str., 45-370 Opole, Poland

8. Department of Physics, Engineering and Astronomy, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN 37044, USA


Polyamorphic transformations driven by high-energy mechanical ball milling (nanomilling) are recognized in a melt-quenched glassy alloy of tetra-arsenic triselenide (As4Se3). We employed XRPD analysis complemented by thermophysical heat-transfer and micro-Raman spectroscopy studies. A straightforward interpretation of the medium-range structural response to milling-driven reamorphization is developed within a modified microcrystalline model by treating diffuse peak-halos in the XRPD patterns of this alloy as a superposition of the Bragg-diffraction contribution from inter-planar correlations, which are supplemented by the Ehrenfest-diffraction contribution from inter-atomic and/or inter-molecular correlations related to derivatives of thioarsenide As4Sen molecules, mainly dimorphite-type As4Se3 ones. These cage molecules are merely destroyed under milling, facilitating the formation of a polymerized network with enhanced calorimetric heat-transfer responses. Disruption of intermediate-range ordering, due to weakening of the FSDP (the first sharp diffraction peak), accompanied by an enhancement of extended-range ordering, due to fragmentation of structural entities responsible for the SSDP (the second sharp diffraction peak), occurs as an interplay between medium-range structural levels in the reamorphized As4Se3 glass alloy. Nanomilling-driven destruction of thioarsenide As4Sen molecules followed by incorporation of their remnants into a glassy network is proved by micro-Raman spectroscopy. Microstructure scenarios of the molecular-to-network polyamorphic transformations caused by the decomposition of the As4Se3 molecules and their direct destruction under grinding are recognized by an ab initio quantum-chemical cluster-modeling algorithm.



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