1. Master Program in Applied Computer Science (MCA), Escola Politécnica, University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Campus Itajaí, Itajaí 88302-901, Santa Catarina, Brazil
2. Graduate Program in Teleinformatics Engineering (PPGETI/UFC), Federal University of Ceará, Campus of Itapaje, Fortaleza 60455-970, Ceará, Brazil
3. Expert Systems and Applications Laboartory, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de Béjar, University of Salamanca, 37700 Salamanca, Spain
4. Lisbon School of Engineering (ISEL), Polytechnic University of Lisbon (IPL), 1549-020 Lisbon, Portugal
5. FIT-ISEL, 1959-007 Lisboa, Portugal
6. Center of Technology and Systems (UNINOVA-CTS) and Associated Lab of Intelligent Systems (LASI), 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal