Validation of the General Evaluation Scale for Measuring Ethnic and Religious Prejudice in an Indonesian Sample


Tondok Marselius Sampe12ORCID,Suryanto Suryanto1ORCID,Ardi Rahkman1ORCID


1. Doctoral Program in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia

2. Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya 60284, Indonesia


The General Evaluation Scale (GES) has been widely employed to assess attitudes toward outgroups, including ethnic and religious prejudice. However, validation within the Indonesian context has not been conducted. Using two studies (Study 1, religious prejudice; Study 2, ethnic prejudice), we provide evidence of psychometric properties of a six-item GES for measuring ethnic and religious prejudice based on factor structure, composite reliability, and convergent validity in Indonesia. The results demonstrate an acceptable model fit for a single-factor structure characterized by high internal consistency (McDonald’s Omega/ω = 0.93 in Study 1, ω = 0.94 in Study 2). Furthermore, the scale exhibits solid convergent validity, as evidenced by its correlations with the blatant and subtle prejudice scale (r = −0.44 in Study 1, r = −0.74 in Study 2) and the feeling thermometer scale (r = 0.60 in Study 1, r = 0.78 in Study 2). In summary, this research unequivocally establishes the GES as a valuable instrument for measuring religious and ethnic prejudice in the Indonesian context, underpinned by its robust psychometric properties. Nevertheless, it underscores the need for further investigations with diverse samples and varying social contexts to bolster the scale’s reliability and applicability.


Indonesian Research, Technology, and Higher Education




General Social Sciences

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