Modeling PCM Phase Change Temperature and Hysteresis in Ventilation Cooling and Heating Applications


Hu Yue,Guo RuiORCID,Heiselberg Per Kvols,Johra Hicham


Applying phase change material (PCM) for latent heat storage in sustainable building systems has gained increasing attention. However, the nonlinear thermal properties of the material and the hysteresis between the two-phase change processes make the modelling of PCM challenging. Moreover, the influences of the PCM phase transition and hysteresis on the building thermal and energy performance have not been fully understood. This paper reviews the most commonly used modelling methods for PCM from the literature and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. A case study is carried out to examine the accuracy of those models in building simulation tools, including four methods to model the melting and freezing process of a PCM heat exchanger. These results are compared to experimental data of the heat transfer process in a PCM heat exchanger. That showed that the four modelling methods are all accurate for representing the thermal behavior of the PCM heat exchanger. The model with the DSC Cp method with hysteresis performs the best at predicting the heat transfer process in PCM in this case. The impacts of PCM phase change temperature and hysteresis on the building energy-saving potential and thermal comfort are analyzed in another case study, based on one modelling method from the first case study. The building in question is a three-room apartment with PCM-enhanced ventilated windows in Denmark. The study showed that the PCM hysteresis has a larger influence on the building energy consumption than the phase change temperature for both summer night cooling applications and for winter energy storage. However, it does not have a strong impact on the yearly total energy usage. For both summer and winter transition seasons, the PCM hysteresis has a larger influence on the predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD) than the phase change temperature, but not a strong impact on the transition season average PPD. It is therefore advised to choose the PCM hysteresis according to whether it is for a summer night cooling or a winter solar energy storage application, as this has a significant impact on the system’s overall efficiency.




Energy (miscellaneous),Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Control and Optimization,Engineering (miscellaneous)

Reference64 articles.

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4. Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the Energy Performance of Buildings;OJEU,2010

5. IEA EBC Annex 67 Energy Flexible Buildings







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