1. Petition to the European Parliament on the Welfare of Dairy Cowshttps://www.dyrenesvenner.dk/upl/website/stop-lange-dyretransporter-kvgtransporter/24.april2017PetitiontoEuropeanParliamentonwelfareofdairycows.pdf
2. Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare on a request from the European Commission on welfare of dairy cows;EFSA J.,2009
3. Overview Report–Welfare of Cattle on Dairy Farms
4. Scientific report of EFSA prepared by the Animal Health and Animal Welfare Unit on the effects of farming systems on dairy cow welfare and disease;Annex EFSA J.,2009
5. A Cross-Sectional Study Into the Prevalence of Dairy Cattle Lameness and Associated Herd-Level Risk Factors in England and Wales