The Participatory Approach in Healthcare Establishments as a Specific French Organizational Model at Hospital Department Level to Prevent Burnout among Caregivers: What Are the Perceptions of Its Implementation and Its Potential Contributions by These Caregivers?


Arnaudeau Sophie1ORCID,Nickum Marion1ORCID,Fouquereau Evelyne2ORCID,Chevalier Séverine2,Gillet Nicolas23ORCID,Mokounkolo René2ORCID,Lejeune Julien2,Seizeur Romuald4ORCID,Colombat Philippe2ORCID,Jeoffrion Christine5ORCID


1. PSITEC (Psychology: Interactions Time Emotions Cognition, ULR 4072), University of Lille, F-59000 Lille, France

2. QualiPsy UR 1901, Department of Psychology, University of Tours, 37000 Tours, France

3. Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), 75005 Paris, France

4. Neurosurgery Department, Brest University Hospital, University of Brest, LaTIM UMR 1101, 29200 Brest, France

5. LIP/PC2S, University Grenoble Alpes, University Savoie Mont Blanc, 38000 Grenoble, France


(1) Background: Manifestations of burnout are regularly observed in the healthcare population. The participatory approach (PA) is a specific organization in the French health service aimed at preserving and improving the psychological health of these staff at work. The main objective of this study was to explore with healthcare professionals their perceptions of the effectiveness of the four PA components (multi-professional team meetings, in-service training, team support meetings and the project approach) implemented to date within French hospital departments, the methods of their implementation and the potential contributions of such an approach to their quality of working life and working conditions (QWLWC), and the quality of care provided. (2) Methods: Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 21 healthcare professionals in French hospital departments between March and April 2021. After they were recorded, the collected data was transcribed in full and subjected to thematic analysis. (3) Results: According to care providers, PA is only partially deployed in these departments today. Nevertheless, it is helping to develop multi-professional communication, and improves the quality of life at work as well as quality of care. (4) Conclusions: In the light of these results, the creation of a tool for the large-scale evaluation of PA implementation in hospitals emerges as essential, as its deployment in all hospital departments could help reduce the suffering of care professionals. In addition, a better articulation between the concepts of Magnet Hospitals and those of PA would prove heuristically promising.


Cancéropôle Grand Ouest



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