Characterization of Ebola Virus Risk to Bedside Providers in an Intensive Care Environment


Biondi Mia J.ORCID,Garnett Lauren,Bello Alexander,Funk Duane,Poliquin Philippe Guillaume,Jones Shane,Tierney Kevin,Tran Kaylie,Kozak Robert A.,Leung Anders,Grolla Allen,Nakamura Cory,Soule Geoff,Ranadheera Charlene,Hagan Mable,Dhaliwal Amrinder,Kobasa DarwynORCID,Falzarano Darryl,Bovendo Hugues Fausther,Feldmann HeinzORCID,Kesselman Murray,Hansen Gregory,Gren Jason,Mortimer Todd,Racine TrinaORCID,Deschambault Yvon,Edmonds Jocelyn,Aminian Sam,Saurette Ray,Allan Mark,Rondeau Lauren,Huynh John,Hadder Sharron,Press Christy,DeGraff Christine,Kucas Stephanie,Kubay Julie,Azanarsky Kim,Cook Bradley W. M.,Hancock BJ,Kumar Anand,Soni Reeni,Schantz Daryl,McKitrick Jarrid,Warner BryceORCID,Griffin Bryan D.,Qiu Xiangguo,Kobinger Gary P.,Safronetz Dave,Wood Heidi,Stein Derek R.,Cutts Todd,Pickering BradORCID,Kenny James,Theriault Steven,Menec Liam,Vendramelli RobertORCID,Higgins Sean,Banadyga LoganORCID,Liu Guodong,Rahim Md NiazORCID,Kasloff Samantha,Sloan AngelaORCID,He Shihua,Tailor Nikesh,Albietz Alixandra,Wong Gary,Gray Michael,Feldmann Friederike,Marzi AndreaORCID,Risi George,Strong James E.


Background: The 2014–2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa recapitulated that nosocomial spread of Ebola virus could occur and that health care workers were at particular risk including notable cases in Europe and North America. These instances highlighted the need for centers to better prepare for potential Ebola virus cases; including understanding how the virus spreads and which interventions pose the greatest risk. Methods: We created a fully equipped intensive care unit (ICU), within a Biosafety Level 4 (BSL4) laboratory, and infected multiple sedated non-human primates (NHPs) with Ebola virus. While providing bedside care, we sampled blood, urine, and gastric residuals; as well as buccal, ocular, nasal, rectal, and skin swabs, to assess the risks associated with routine care. We also assessed the physical environment at end-point. Results: Although viral RNA was detectable in blood as early as three days post-infection, it was not detectable in the urine, gastric fluid, or swabs until late-stage disease. While droplet spread and fomite contamination were present on a few of the surfaces that were routinely touched while providing care in the ICU for the infected animal, these may have been abrogated through good routine hygiene practices. Conclusions: Overall this study has helped further our understanding of which procedures may pose the highest risk to healthcare providers and provides temporal evidence of this over the clinical course of disease.


Canadian Institutes of Health Research




Virology,Microbiology (medical),Microbiology

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