Water Safety Plan, Monochloramine Disinfection and Extensive Environmental Sampling Effectively Control Legionella and Other Waterborne Pathogens in Nosocomial Settings: The Ten-Year Experience of an Italian Hospital


Farina Claudio1ORCID,Cacciabue Eleonora2,Averara Franca3,Ferri Nadia1,Vailati Francesca1,Del Castillo Gabriele2,Serafini Antonello4,Fermi Beatrice56,Doniselli Nicola56,Pezzoli Fabio2


1. Microbiology and Virology Laboratory, ASST “Papa Giovanni XXIII”, 24127 Bergamo, Italy

2. Health Care Coordination Offices, ASST “Papa Giovanni XXIII”, 24127 Bergamo, Italy

3. Department of Health Care Professions, ASST “Papa Giovanni XXIII”, 24127 Bergamo, Italy

4. Technical Services, ASST “Papa Giovanni XXIII”, 24127 Bergamo, Italy

5. Sanipur S.p.A., 25020 Flero, Italy

6. ESCMID Study Group for Legionella Infections (ESGLI), 4001 Basel, Switzerland


Legionella contamination control is crucial in healthcare settings where patients suffer an increased risk of disease and fatal outcome. To ensure an effective management of this health hazard, the accurate application of a hospital-specific Water Safety Plan (WSP), the choice of a suitable water disinfection system and an extensive monitoring program are required. Here, the ten-year experience of an Italian hospital is reported: since its commissioning, Legionellosis risk management has been entrusted to a multi-disciplinary Working Group, applying the principles of the World Health Organization’s WSP. The disinfection strategy to prevent Legionella and other waterborne pathogens relies on the treatment of domestic hot water with a system ensuring the in situ production and dosage of monochloramine. An average of 250 samples/year were collected and analyzed to allow an accurate assessment of the microbiological status of water network. With the aim of increasing the monitoring sensitivity, in addition to the standard culture method, an optimized MALDI-ToF MS-based strategy was applied, allowing the identification of Legionella species and other relevant opportunistic pathogens. Data collected so far confirmed the effectiveness of this multidisciplinary approach: the fraction of positive samples never overcame 1% on a yearly basis and Legionnaires’ Disease cases never occurred.




Virology,Microbiology (medical),Microbiology

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