1. Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 354002 Sochi, Russia
2. Department of Advanced Technologies, Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634050 Tomsk, Russia
3. Department of Computer Science, Institute of Space and Information Technologies, Siberian Federal University, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
4. Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Institute of Computer Science and Telecommunications, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, 660037 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
5. Laboratory of Geochemistry of Ore Formation and Geochemical Methods of Prospecting, A. P. Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 664033 Irkutsk, Russia
6. Department of Technological Machines and Equipment of Oil and Gas Complex, School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Siberian Federal University, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
7. Artificial Intelligence Technology Scientific and Education Center, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 105005 Moscow, Russia
8. Department of Automation and Control, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 664074 Irkutsk, Russia
9. Department of Biomedical, Veterinary and Ecological Directions, RUDN University, 117198 Moscow, Russia