1. Life and Health Sciences Research Institute, School of Medicine, University of Minho, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
2. ICVS/3B’s, PT Government Associate Laboratory, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
3. Division of Infectious Diseases, Center for Molecular Medicine, Department of Medicine Solna, Karolinska Institutet, 17176 Stockholm, Sweden
4. Porto University Hospital Center, 4099-001 Porto, Portugal
5. Multidisciplinary Unit for Biomedical Research (UMIB)—ICBAS, University of Porto, 4050-346 Porto, Portugal
6. University Hospital Complex of Vigo, 36312 Vigo, Spain
7. Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital, 36312 Vigo, Spain
8. Hospital of Braga, 4710-243 Braga, Portugal
9. Clinical Academic Centre, Hospital of Braga, 4710-243 Braga, Portugal