1. Amis, Martin (2014). The Zone of Interest, Jonathan Cape.
2. Arendt, Hannah (1963). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, Viking Press.
3. Byne, Magnus (2010). The Scornfull Quakers Answered and Their Railing Reply Refuted by the Meanest of the Lord’s Servants Magnus Byne, EEBO Editions. First published 1656.
4. Centre for the Study of the Legacies of Slavery (2024, April 11). Available online: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/lbs/.
5. Clarke, Kate (2015). Women and Domestic Service in Victorian Society, The History Press. Available online: https://thehistorypress.co.uk/article/women-and-domestic-service-in-victorian-society/.