Primary Minerals and Age of The Hydrothermal Quartz Veins Containing U-Mo-(Pb, Bi, Te) Mineralization in the Majerská Valley near Čučma (Gemeric Unit, Spišsko-Gemerské Rudohorie Mts., Slovak Republic)


Ferenc Štefan,Števko MartinORCID,Mikuš Tomáš,Milovská Stanislava,Kopáčik Richard,Hoppanová Eva


An occurrence of vein U-Mo mineralization is located in the Majerská valley near Čučma, about 7 km to the NNE of the district town of Rožňava (Eastern Slovakia). Mineralization is hosted in the acidic metapyroclastics of the Silurian Bystrý Potok Fm. (Gemeric Unit), and originated in the following stages: (I.) quartz I, fluorapatite I; (II.) quartz II, fluorapatite II, zircon, rutile chlorite, tourmaline; (III.) uraninite, molybdenite, U-Ti oxides; (IV.) pyrite I, ullmannite, gersdorffite, cobaltite; (Va.) galena, bismuth, tetradymite, joséite A and B, Bi3(TeS)2 mineral phase, (BiPb)(TeS) mineral phase, ikunolite; (Vb.) minerals of the kobellite–tintinaite series, cosalite; (VI.) pyrite II; (VII.) titanite, chlorite; and (VIII.) supergene mineral phases. The chemical in-situ electron-microprobe U-Pb dating of uraninite from a studied vein yielded an average age of around 265 Ma, corresponding to the Guadalupian Epoch of Permian; the obtained data corresponds with the age of Gemeric S-type granites. The age correlation of uraninite with the Gemeric S-type granites and the spatial connection of the studied mineralization with the Čučma granite allows us to assume that it is a Hercynian, granite-related (perigranitic) mineralization.


Agentúra na Podporu Výskumu a Vývoja

Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky




Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

Reference68 articles.

1. Final Report about Results of Geological Survey in Čučma Locality;Šváb,1966

2. Short Reports of Mineral Composition of Some Uranium Occurrences in Slovakia;Melnikova,1973

3. Occurrences of uranium-bearing phosphates in the Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie Mts;Tréger;Miner. Slov.,1973

4. Mineralogical Research of Vein Uranium Mineralization in the Central Part of the Spišsko-Gemerské Rudohorie Mts;Varček,1975

5. Some rare types of mineralization in the Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie Mts;Varček,1977







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