The Influence of Rate of Change in Confining and Pore Pressure on Values of the Modulus of Compressibility of the Rock Skeleton and Biot’s Coefficient


Nowakowski AndrzejORCID


This work discusses the results of a study of the influence of rates of change of confining pressure on the result of a drained compressibility tests intended to determine the modulus of compressibility of a rock skeleton Ks. A series of cyclical compressibility tests was performed on samples of sandstone soaked in kerosene, for various rates of compression and decompression of the pressure liquid filling the cell and the pore volume of the sample. The studies showed that the deformability of the tested sample was directly proportional to the rate of change of the confining pressure. As a consequence, the value of the Ks modulus and Biot coefficient α decreased with increasing sample load rate. This phenomenon should be attributed primarily to equilibration of the liquid pressure inside the high-pressure cell with the liquid pressure in the sample pore space, caused by filtration of the pore liquid. These phenomena prove that the filtration process impacts the values of the modulus of compressibility of the rock skeleton Ks and of Biot coefficient α determined on the basis of the experiment. This is significant in the context of the use of Biot equations as constitutive equations for a porous rock medium.




Energy (miscellaneous),Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Control and Optimization,Engineering (miscellaneous)







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