1. Metody ograniczania zużycia paliwa przez statki morskie zmierzające do obniżenia emisji szko-dliwych substancji do atmosfery;Giernalczyk;Logistyka,2015
2. Reducing the Maritime Sector’s Contribution to Climate Change and Air Pollution;Bell,2018
3. Resolution MEPC.308(73) 2018 Guidelines on the Method of Calculation of the Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for New Shipshttps://wwwcdn.imo.org/localresources/en/KnowledgeCentre/IndexofIMOResolutions/MEPCDocuments/MEPC.308(73).pdf
4. MEPC.1/Circ.815 17. Guidance on Treatment of Innovative Energy Efficiency Technologies for Calculation and Verification of the Attained EEDIhttps://wwwcdn.imo.org/localresources/en/OurWork/Environment/Documents/
5. Circ-815.pdf