Enhanced Primary Productivity in Fenced Desert Grasslands of China through Mowing and Vegetation Cover Interaction


Luo Xu1,Li Jianping1,Xie Yingzhong1,Wang Yutao1,Yu Jianfei1,Liang Xiaoqian1


1. College of Forestry and Prataculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China


To enable grasslands to serve a larger ecological and service role against the backdrop of climate change and human activity, management is essential following long-term fencing. Using desert grassland that had been fenced for 20 years, we conducted experiments on different mowing frequencies (once, twice, and three times a year) and different amounts of vegetation coverage (mowing removal, mowing, and in situ mulch; and mowing, in situ mulch, and additional coverage) and control (no mowing, no removal, and no cover). In 2021 and mid-August 2022, the aboveground biomass, species diversity, and vegetation cover of each species were assessed, and the impacts of species complementarity and competition on the productivity of the fenced grassland were examined. Our findings revealed several significant outcomes: (1) Two and three times of mowing per year promoted growth and development of annual or biennial plants and increased species diversity of the community. (2) The interaction impact of mowing and covering two and three times a year was the most important, as it encouraged compensatory development of plants, particularly the dominant species, and increased aboveground biomass of the fenced grassland (p < 0.05). (3) The number of complementary species groups was c. 11% lower for mowing and covering than for mowing removal, indicating that the interspecific relationship for the mowing and covering interaction was dominated by competition, which was more beneficial to the increase in community productivity. (4) Lespedeza potaninii Vass. (which dominated the semi-shrubs) and Agropyron mongolicum Keng (which dominated the tufted grasses) exhibited compensatory growth, which alleviated the change of mowing disturbance and precipitation fluctuation on the productivity of this grassland ecosystem. (5) Adding vegetation cover after mowing positively influenced community production but did not significantly impact litter decomposition. Our research provides data support for the sustainable development of long-term fenced desert grasslands.


Natural Science Foundation of Ningxia

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Top Discipline Construction Project of Pratacultural Science of Ningxia University




Agronomy and Crop Science








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