Optimizing Peach Tree Canopy Architecture for Efficient Light Use, Increased Productivity and Improved Fruit Quality


Anthony Brendon M.,Minas Ioannis S.


Peach production in the USA has been in decline in recent decades due to poor fruit quality, reduced consumption and increased cost of production. Productivity and fruit quality can only be enhanced in the orchard through optimizing preharvest factors such as orchard design and training systems. Transition from low-density plantings (LDP) to high-density plantings (HDP) in peach is associated with the availability of reliable size controlling rootstocks. Increased densities must be combined with modern training systems to diffuse vigor and further increase light interception and yields, while optimizing light distribution, fruit quality and cost of production. Several training systems have been tested in peach with various objectives and goals, such as increasing light, water use and labor efficiencies, along with designing canopy architectures to facilitate mechanization and robotics. In general, increased planting densities increase yields, but excessive densities can promote shade, while excessive crop load can deteriorate quality. An ideal peach cropping system should optimize light interception and light distribution to balance maximum yield potential with maximum fruit quality potential. Successful management of high-density peach fruiting wall systems can lead to enhanced and uniform fruit quality, and ensure a sustainable industry.


Colorado Department of Agriculture




Agronomy and Crop Science

Reference72 articles.

1. FAOSTAT http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#home

2. Environmental and orchard bases of peach fruit quality

3. Developing a quantitative method to evaluate peach (Prunus persica) flesh mealiness

4. Preharvest factors affecting peach quality;Crisosto,2008








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