Image Processing and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for Classifying Environmental Stress Symptoms of Pepper Seedlings Grown in a Plant Factory
Islam Sumaiya1ORCID, Samsuzzaman 2, Reza Md Nasim12ORCID, Lee Kyu-Ho12, Ahmed Shahriar2ORCID, Cho Yeon Jin3, Noh Dong Hee4, Chung Sun-Ok12ORCID
1. Department of Smart Agricultural Systems, Graduate School, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea 2. Department of Agricultural Machinery Engineering, Graduate School, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea 3. Jeonnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Naju 58213, Republic of Korea 4. Jeonbuk Regional Branch, Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), Jeonju 54853, Republic of Korea
Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, light, and CO2 influence plant growth, and unfavorable environmental conditions cause stress in plants, producing symptoms in their early growth stages. The increasing importance of optimizing crop management strategies has led to a rising demand for the precise evaluation of stress symptoms during early plant growth. Advanced technologies are transforming plant health monitoring through enabling image-based stress analysis. Machine learning (ML) models can effectively identify the important features and morphological changes connected with various stress conditions through the use of large datasets acquired from high-resolution plant images. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a method for classifying the early-stage stress symptoms of pepper seedlings and enabling their identification and quantification using image processing and a support vector machine (SVM). Two-week-old pepper seedlings were grown under different temperatures (20, 25, and 30 °C), light intensity levels (50, 250, and 450 µmol m−2s−1), and day–night hours (8/16, 10/14, and 16/8) in five controlled plant growth chambers. Images of the seedling canopies were captured daily using a low-cost red, green, and blue (RGB) camera over a two-week period. Eighteen color features, nine texture features using the gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), and one morphological feature were extracted from each image. A two-way ANOVA and multiple mean comparison (Duncan) analysis were used to determine the statistical significance of the treatment effects. To reduce feature overlap, sequential feature selection (SFS) was applied, and a support vector machine (SVM) was used for stress classification. The SFS method was used to identify the optimal features for the classification model, leading to substantial increases in stress classification accuracy. The SVM model, using these selected features, achieved a classification accuracy of 82% without the SFS and 86% with the SFS. To address overfitting, 5- and 10-fold cross-validation were used, resulting in MAEs of 0.138 and 0.163 for the polynomial kernel, respectively. The SVM model, evaluated with the ROC curve and confusion matrix, achieved a classification accuracy of 85%. This classification approach enables real-time stress monitoring, allowing growers to optimize environmental conditions and enhance seedling growth. Future directions include integrating this system into automated cultivation environments to enable continuous, efficient stress monitoring and response, further improving crop management and productivity.
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
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