Use of a Pair of Pulse-Charged Grounded Metal Nets as an Electrostatic Soil Cover for Eradicating Weed Seedlings


Matsuda Yoshinori1ORCID,Takikawa Yoshihiro2,Shimizu Kunihiko3,Kusakari Shin-ichi4,Toyoda Hideyoshi4


1. Laboratory of Phytoprotection Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kindai University, Nara 631-8505, Japan

2. Plant Center, Institute of Advanced Technology, Kindai University, Wakayama 642-0017, Japan

3. Mikado Kyowa Seed, Co., Ltd., Chiba 267-0056, Japan

4. Research Association of Electric Field Screen Supporters, Nara 631-8505, Japan


An electrostatic technique was developed to generate a simple physical method to eradicate weeds in crop fields. The proposed apparatus consisted of double-expanded metal nets connected to a pulse-charging type negative voltage generator and a grounded line. The two metal nets were arranged in parallel at an interval (6 mm) that caused no arc (spark) discharge between the negatively charged metal net (NC-MN) and the grounded metal net (G-MN). The paired nets were used as a soil cover to zap weed seedlings emerging from the ground. As plant seedlings are biological conductors, the seedling was subjected to an arc discharge from the upper metal net (NC-MN) when it emerged from the soil and passed through the lower net (G-MN). The discharge was strong enough to destroy the seedling with a single exposure. The arc treatment was highly effective for eradicating successively emerging mono- and dicotyledonous weed seedlings, regardless of the number of coexisting weeds or the area of the netted field. Thus, the present study provides a simple and reliable weed eradication method that could be integrated into a sustainable crop production system.




Agronomy and Crop Science

Reference33 articles.

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