Evaluation of Genotypic Variability and Analysis of Yield and Its Components in Irrigated Rice to Stabilize Yields in the Senegal River Valley Affected by Climate Change


Moukoumbi Yonnelle Dea12ORCID,Bayendi Loudit Sandrine Mariella1ORCID,Sikirou Mouritala34ORCID,Mboj Daouda2,Hussain Tajamul5,Bocco Roland6,Manneh Baboucarr2


1. Institut de Recherches Agronomiques et Forestières (IRAF), Libreville 16169, Gabon

2. Irrigated Rice Breeding Unit, Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), Sahel Regional Station, Saint Louis P.O. Box 96, Senegal

3. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Avenue Haut Congo, Kinshasa P.O. Box 4163, Democratic Republic of the Congo

4. School of Horticulture and Green Landscaping, National University of Agriculture, Kétou P.O. Box 043, Benin

5. Agricultural Innovation and Management Division, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai 90110, Songkhla, Thailand

6. Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR), UC Davis, Cooperative Extension, 2156, Sierra Way, Ste C, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, USA


Rice is an important cereal crop in many countries, but its production in the Senegal River Valley is hampered by adverse climatic conditions. This study was aimed at evaluating the diversity among genotypes and the association between several phenological and yield attributes of irrigated rice to mitigate the consequences of climate change. During the dry season of 2013–2014, 300 irrigated high yielding oryza sativa indica panel were used in an Alpha-lattice experiment at the Ndiaye research station in Senegal. Results revealed considerable differences between genotypes in yield and yield attributes. Grain yields ranged between 1378 and 9776 kg/ha. There were also substantial differences in the genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation, broad-sense heritability, genetic advance, and genetic advance as a percentage of the mean between evaluated traits. Days to heading (DH) had a higher broad-sense heritability (67.31%), indicating that the chances of transferring this trait for selection purposes will be higher, and genotypes may be used to generate early or late flowering lines. Significant positive and negative correlations were found between the studied traits and grain yield. Path analysis indicated that the maximum positive direct impact was observed with the harvest index (0.256), and the maximum negative direct effect was observed with the days to heading (−0.142). Results showed that 56 accessions outperformed the local check Giza 178, whose yield was 8987 kg/ha. Using principal component analysis and a dendrogram, genotypes were classified into four groups. The plant materials had significant variability and may be utilized to develop desired features in rice-breeding programs.


The Global Rice Science Partnership

International Rice Research Institute

Africa Rice Center

International Center for Tropical Agriculture

The Africa Rice Center Sahel Station




Agronomy and Crop Science

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