1. College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA
2. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA
Tidal freshwater forested wetlands (TFFWs) typically occur at the interface between upriver non-tidal forests and downstream tidal marshes. Due to their location, these forests are susceptible to estuarine and riverine influences, notably periodic saltwater intrusion events. The Mobile-Tensaw (MT) River Delta, one of the largest river deltas in the United States, features TFFWs that are understudied but threatened by sea level rise and human impacts. We surveyed 47 TFFW stands across a tidal gradient previously determined using nine stations to collect continuous water level and salinity data. Forest data were collected from 400 m2 circular plots of canopy and midstory species composition, canopy tree diameter and basal area, stem density, and tree condition. Multivariate hierarchical clustering identified five distinct canopy communities (p = 0.001): Mixed Forest, Swamp Tupelo, Water Tupelo, Bald Cypress, and Bald Cypress and Mixed Tupelo. Environmental factors, such as river distance (p = 0.001) and plot elevation (p = 0.06), were related to community composition. Similar to other TFFWs along the northern Gulf of Mexico, forests closest to Mobile Bay exhibited lower basal areas, species density, diversity, and a higher proportion of visually stressed individual canopy trees compared to those in the upper tidal reach. Results indicate a strong tidal influence on forest composition, structure, and community-level responses.
U.S. Department of Treasury
National Science Foundation