Aerodynamic Study of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome


Allosso Salvatore1ORCID,Mesolella Massimo1ORCID,Motta Giovanni2,Quaremba Giuseppe3,Parrella Rosaria1,Ricciardiello Martina1,Motta Sergio3


1. Unit of Otorhinolaryngology, Department of Neuroscience, Reproductive Sciences and Dentistry, University Federico II of Naples, 80131 Naples, Italy

2. Unit of Otorhinolaryngology, Department of Mental and Physical Health and Preventive Medicine, University Luigi Vanvitelli, 80131 Naples, Italy

3. Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences, Federico II University of Naples, 80131 Naples, Italy


Objectives: We aim to verify velopharyngeal sphincter function in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome patients (22q11.2DS) to establish correlations between aerodynamic and perceptual measures of nasality, and to identify aerodynamic measures differentiating typical from atypical velopharyngeal behavior. Methods: Eleven subjects with 22q11.2DS and twenty similar-age control subjects were recruited. The aerodynamic measures were mean Sound Pressure Level, air pressure peak, pressure wave duration, airflow pattern and nasal airflow during the sequence /pi/. The nasality perceptual measures were rhinolalia, rhinophony and nasal air escape. Results: Airflow patterns and perceptual measures were statistically different in the two groups. Pressure wave duration and air pressure peak were lower in study subjects than in controls. Air pressure peak and nasal airflow were negatively correlated with rhinolalia; pressure wave duration was negatively correlated with nasal air escape and rhinolalia in 22q11.2DS patients. Conclusions: This aerodynamic study identified velopharyngeal qualitative and quantitative dysfunctions, suggesting heterogeneous models of velopharyngeal function in syndromic subjects as compared to controls.



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