The “Spazio Huntington—A Place for Children” program was launched in 2019. The aim was to contact at risk kids within Huntington disease (HD) families, to provide counseling to their parents and to start a prospective follow-up of kids suspicious to manifest pediatric HD (PHD). We met 25 at risk kids in two years, four of whom with PHD and highly expanded (HE) mutations beyond 80 CAG repeats. We rated motor, neuropsychological and behavioral changes in all PHD kids by the Unified HD Rating Scale (UHDRS)-total motor score (TMS) and additional measures of (1) cognitive level (Leiter International Performance Scale), (2) adaptive functioning (Adaptive Behavior Assessment Systems), (3) receptive language (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test) and (4) behavioral abnormalities (Child Behavior Check List and Children’s Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale). All PHD kids showed a severe progression of neurological and psychiatric manifestations including motor, cognitive and behavioral changes. The magnetic resonance imaging contributed to confirm the suspicious clinical observation by highlighting very initial striatum abnormalities in PHD. Spazio Huntington is a program to prospectively study PHD, the most atypical face of HD, and may represent the basis to recruit PHD patients in future clinical trials.
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2 articles.