Sex and gender can affect incidence, prevalence, symptoms, course and response to drug therapy in many illnesses, being sex (the biological side) and gender (the social-cultural one), variously interconnected. Indeed, women have greater longevity; however, this is accompanied by worse health than men, particularly when obesity is present. Sex-gender differences are fundamental also in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Just for example in the prediabetes situation impaired fasting glucose (expression of increased insulin resistance) is more common in men, while impaired glucose tolerance (expression of beta cell deficiency) is more common in female, indicating a possible different genesis of type 2 diabetes in the two sexes. In type 1 diabetes male and female are equivalent as incidence of the disease since puberty, while estrogens act as protective and reduce the incidence of type 1 diabetes in female after puberty. Considering macrovascular complications, diabetic women have a 3.5 fold higher increased cardiovascular risk than non diabetic women, against an observed increase of “only” 2.1 fold in male. Thus it is clear, although not fully explained, that sex-gender differences do exist in diabetes. Another less studied aspect is that also physician gender influences quality of care in patients with type 2 diabetes, female physicians providing an overall better quality of care, especially in risk management. The goal of this short commentary is to open the special issue of Diabetology: “Gender Difference in Diabetes” leaving to the individual articles to deepen differences in genesis, psychologists aspects and complications of the disease.
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