Flexible Augmented Reality-Based Health Solution for Medication Weight Establishment


Berciu Alexandru G.,Dulf Eva H.ORCID,Stefan Iulia A.


The trend of personalized medicine and the increasing flexibility of drug dosage relevant goals of the 21st century represent the foundation for the current research. To obtain doses smaller than the smallest available, physicians frequently write prescriptions for children and adults, without preserving the integrity of the pill. Moreover, patients purchase large amounts of medication for cost-saving reasons. To support the correct administration of the remedies and the partial alignment to the personalized treatment trend, this paper proposes a flexible and user-friendly solution for determining the medication quantity given to patients, using augmented reality and optical character recognition algorithm capabilities. Via the MATLAB development environment and a Logitech HD Pro C920 webcam, the results were 80% correct in identifying the cutting position of the pill, by means of the Hough transform, and 30% correct in weight recognition exploitation using an optical character recognition (OCR) algorithm. In future work, a higher resolution camera and a more powerful computer can be used to increase the percentages mentioned above. In addition, a 3D scan of the pill fragmentation, combined with the weight recognition functionality, could increase the accuracy of the splitting procedure, conducted by the patient or the patient caretaker.


Unitatea Executiva Pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior a Cercetarii Dezvoltarii si Inovarii




Process Chemistry and Technology,Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous),Bioengineering

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