Validation and Application of the Accu-Waves Operational Platform for Wave Forecasts at Ports


Makris Christos1ORCID,Papadimitriou Andreas23,Baltikas Vasilis1ORCID,Spiliopoulos Giannis45ORCID,Kontos Yiannis1ORCID,Metallinos Anastasios23,Androulidakis Yannis1ORCID,Chondros Michalis2ORCID,Klonaris Georgios6ORCID,Malliouri Dimitra2ORCID,Nagkoulis Nikolaos1ORCID,Zissis Dimitris45ORCID,Tsoukala Vasiliki2,Karambas Theophanis1ORCID,Memos Constantine2


1. School of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

2. School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 15773 Athens, Greece

3. Scientia Maris, Chalandri, 15234 Athens, Greece

4. MarineTraffic, 11525 Athens, Greece

5. School of Engineering, University of the Aegean, 84100 Ermoupolis, Greece

6. Department of Geography, Ghent University, 9000 Ghent, Belgium


This paper presents a recently developed Operational Forecast Platform (OFP) for prevailing sea conditions at very important ports worldwide (Accu-Waves). The OFP produces reliable high-resolution predictions of wave characteristics in and around ocean ports. Its goal is to support safer navigation, predict possible port downtime, assist vessel approaching, enhance management of towing services, and bolster secure ship maneuvering in busy ports around the globe. Accu-Waves OFP is based on integrated, high-resolution wave modelling over the continental shelf and in coastal areas that incorporates data from global- and regional-scale, open-sea wave and ocean circulation forecasts as boundary conditions. The coupling, nesting, calibration, and implementation of the models are reported and discussed in this paper, concerning 50 selected areas near and inside significant port basins. The detailed setup of the Accu-Waves OFP and its sub-system services is also provided regarding three-day forecasts at three-hourly intervals. The validation of the wave forecast system against in situ observations from wave buoys in coastal areas of the USA, Belgium, and Spain, as well as other model predictions by established OFPs, seems very promising, with performance skill scores ranging from adequate to very good. An exceptional case of stormy seas under severe marine weather conditions with very high wave maxima (>10 m) in the port of Algeciras is further discussed, confirming the good performance of the Accu-Waves OFP.


European Union and Greek National Funds through the Operational Program Research-Create-Innovate




Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology,Civil and Structural Engineering

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