1. Herbal Medicine Resources Research Center, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Naju 58245, Republic of Korea
2. Center for Companion Animal New Drug Development, Jeonbuk Branch, Korea Institute of Toxicology, Jeongeup 56212, Republic of Korea
3. Department of Biology, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 28644, Republic of Korea
4. KM Convergence Research Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, 1672 Yuseongdae-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34054, Republic of Korea
5. College of Veterinary Medicine and BK21 FOUR Program, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 61186, Republic of Korea
6. Department of Biology and Chemistry, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, Republic of Korea