Focal Photocoagulation as an Adjunctive Therapy to Reduce the Burden of Intravitreal Injections in Macula Edema Patients, the LyoMAC2 Study


Séjournet Lucas12,Kodjikian Laurent23ORCID,Elbany Sandra4,Allignet Benoit56ORCID,Agard Emilie1ORCID,Chaperon Mayeul2,Billant Jérémy1ORCID,Denis Philippe2,Mathis Thibaud2ORCID,Burillon Carole4,Dot Corinne17ORCID


1. Department of Ophthalmology, Desgenettes Military Hospital, 69003 Lyon, France

2. Department of Ophthalmology, Hôpital de la Croix-Rousse, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69004 Lyon, France

3. Centre de Recherche Clinique, Hôpital de la Croix-Rousse, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69004 Lyon, France

4. Department of Ophthalmology, Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69003 Lyon, France

5. Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Léon Bérard, 28 rue Laennec, 69673 Lyon, France

6. CREATIS, CNRS UMR 5220, Inserm U1206, INSA-Lyon, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 69621 Villeurbanne, France

7. French Military Academy of Val de Grace, 75005 Paris, France


Aim: To assess the efficacy of focal photocoagulation of capillary macroaneurysms (CMA) to reduce the burden of intravitreal injections (IVI) in patients with macular edema (ME). Materials and Methods: Retrospective multicenter study in patients with diabetic ME or ME secondary to retinal vein occlusion (ME-RVO). CMA associated with ME were selectively photocoagulated. Patients were followed for one year after photocoagulation. Results: 93 eyes of 76 patients were included in this study. At 6 months after the laser (n = 93), there was a significant decrease in mean macular thickness (from 354 µm to 314 µm, p < 0.001) and in mean IVI number (from 2.52 to 1.52 at 6 months, p < 0.001). The mean BCVA remained stable (0.32 and 0.31 logMAR at baseline and 6 months, p = 0.95). At 12 months (n = 81/93), there was a significant decrease in mean macular thickness (from 354 µm to 314 µm, p < 0.001) and in mean IVI number (from 4.44 to 2.95 at 12 months, p < 0.001), while the mean BCVA remained stable (0.32 and 0.30 logMAR at baseline and 12 months, p = 0.16). Conclusion: Focal laser photocoagulation of CMA seems to be effective and safe for reducing the burden of IVI in patients with ME. Their screening during the follow-up should be considered closely.




Pharmaceutical Science

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