Setting a Pedagogical Course: Four Modes Clarifying the Dynamics of Shared Religious Education


Meyer Karlo1ORCID


1. Fachrichtung Evangelische Theologie, Universität des Saarlandes, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany


On the level of fundamental didactic decisions and hermeneutic clarifications, this article examines the possible orientations of Shared Religious Education. The prerequisite for this is the assumption that in such lessons, the opportunity should be used to empower children and young people to become personally and creatively involved in teaching and learning when different denominations, religions, and worldviews come together in education. Against this background, four modes of possible activation are proposed as a structuring aid for didactic decisions: Pupils can (a) plan appropriate forms of encounter themselves and develop ways of dealing with mutually experienced foreignness and with bridges and gaps between traditions; (b) they can be activated to engage in existential discussions about ultimate questions, (c) they can carry out small-scale “research” projects into each other’s religious practices and concepts; and (d) they can get involved in joint (ethical, ecological, neighbourly) projects that have an impact on the region around the school that may also have global applications. The model of these four modes can be represented graphically and this helps to analyse and locate existing concepts and approaches to RE. The article concludes with a closer look at the underlying concept of religion and current research.



Reference43 articles.

1. Barnes, L. Philip (2014). Education, Religion and Diversity: Developing a New Model of Religious Education, Routledge.

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5. City of Birmingham District Council Education Committee (1975). Agreed Syllabus of Religious Instruction. With Foreword, Introduction, Details of the Conference and Sections from the Education Act, City of Birmingham Education Committee, Birmingham.







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