Participation in the Triune God and Communion Ecclesiology


Karttunen Tomi12ORCID


1. Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

2. Department of Theology, University of Eastern Finland, 80130 Joensuu, Finland


Overcoming the harmful side of dualism is one of the key contemporary challenges. Theologically, this has meant a holistic turn in trinitarian theology. The article aims to bring relevant features of the patristic understanding—especially St Augustine’s—into dialogue with the contributions of Luther and Bonhoeffer to trinitarian ontology. The thesis of this article is that Augustine’s theological heritage can promote an ecumenical understanding of participatory trinitarian thinking which combines both Western and Eastern approaches. I suggest that it can provide valuable insights for the current theological discussion. The approach of the Augustinian tradition, which focuses on the concept of relation and develops its connection with substance, and the approach of the Greek Fathers and their theology of the primacy of the person of the Father are brought into dialogue. It is suggested that in Luther’s and Bonhoeffer’s further development of Augustinian theology, the understanding of the Trinitarian communion as a dialectic between person and community in love can in a constructive way overcome both ecclesial individualism and rigid collectivism and form a horizon for a holistic ecumenical theology for today.



Reference28 articles.

1. Anatolios, Khaled (2011). Retrieving Nicaea. The Development and Meaning of Trinitarian Doctrine, Baker Academic. Foreword by Brian E. Daley.

2. Demacopoulos, George E., and Papanikolaou, Aristotle (2020). Calling upon God as Father: Augustine and the Legacy of Nicaea. Orthodox Readings of Augustine, St Vladimir’s Seminary Press.

3. Boersma, Hans (2009). Nouvelle Théologie and Sacramental Ontology: A Return to Mystery, Oxford University Press.

4. von Soosten, Joachim (1986). DBW 1. Sanctorum Communio. Eine dogmatische Untersuchung zur Soziologie der Kirche, Chr. Kaiser Verlag.

5. Reuter, Hans-Richard (1988). DBW 2. Akt und Sein. Transzendentalphilosophie und Ontologie in der systematischen Theologie, Chr. Kaiser Verlag.







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