Do Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis Affect Memory, Attention, Stress and Emotions?


Kuryłło Marcin1ORCID,Mojs Ewa1,Woźniak Natalia1,Wiśniewska-Szeplewicz Dorota1


1. Department of Clinical Psychology, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, 60-812 Poznań, Poland


Background: Psoriasis and atopic dermatitis are chronic skin diseases found all over the world that cause a lot of suffering to patients. Objectives: The aim of this study was to answer the following questions: whether people suffering from psoriasis and AD have greater problems with recognizing emotions, the effectiveness of attention and memory processes, and whether they use different strategies of coping with stress than healthy people. Methods: This study involved 90 patients, including 30 patients with psoriasis, 30 patients with AD and 30 healthy patients, aged 21 to 63 years, including 54 women and 36 men. This study used a battery of the CANTAB Cognitive Tests, Mini-COPE Questionnaire Inventory, Toronto Alexithymia Scale TAS Questionnaire, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, and Eczema Area and Severity Index. Results: People with psoriasis and AD had higher total scores on the alexithymia scale and had greater difficulty in identifying and verbalizing emotions. People with psoriasis and AD are less likely to choose the correct stimulus and achieve a shorter length of the sequence that should be remembered. Psoriasis patients with more severe symptoms are less likely to use the strategy of a sense of humor in stressful situations. AD patients with more severe symptoms are less likely to use strategies of operative thinking, denial and self-blame, and the strategy of seeking instrumental support is used more often. Conclusions: Patients with psoriasis and AD require a holistic approach; in addition to dermatological treatment, psychological support, psychotherapeutic support and possible psychiatric treatment are recommended.



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