The Surgical Odyssey: Romania’s Contributions to Pituitary Gland Procedures


Toader Corneliu12,Popa Andrei-Adrian2,Covache-Busuioc Razvan-Adrian2,Bratu Bogdan-Gabriel2,Ciurea Alexandru Vlad234


1. Department of Neurosurgery, National Institute of Neurology and Neurovascular Diseases, 077160 Bucharest, Romania

2. Department of Neurosurgery “Carol Davila”, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 020021 Bucharest, Romania

3. Department of Neurosurgery, Sanador Clinical Hospital, 010991 Bucharest, Romania

4. Medical Science Section, Romanian Academy, 060021 Bucharest, Romania


The pituitary gland, a puzzling medical subject up until the 20th century, had its early pathologies first documented in the 19th century by Pierre Marie and Hutchinson, where the gland’s meaningful study was hindered by its hard-to-reach location. This paper revisits the pioneering work of Romanian doctors such as Gheorghe Marinescu, Nicolae Paulescu, and Grigore T. Popa in surgical techniques targeting the pituitary gland. Marinescu’s 1892 experiment, albeit unsuccessful, laid the groundwork for future research in this area. Before Paulescu, surgical attempts could be classified into three types: oral, cranial, and sphenopalatine fossa approaches—all of which were notably dangerous and often resulted in fatal bleeding. Paulescu was the first to successfully and safely perform a complete in vivo hypophysectomy, opting for an innovative subtemporal method. He also conducted extensive research over four years to identify the gland’s essential functions. Later, a 1938 study by Popa and Harris demonstrated a temporal approach to the hypothalamo-hypophysial region in a rabbit. These groundbreaking contributions significantly influenced the trajectory of pituitary gland surgery.




General Neuroscience

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